The Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep - Rayless

The Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

The Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep

April 24th, 2019

Only a few years ago, the concept of sleep was often ignored by physicians and doctors and surrounded by myths. But, we are now starting to understand the importance of sleep to our overall health and well-being. For example, we’ve learned that when people get less than 6 to 7 hours of sleep each night, they are at a greater risk of developing diseases.

This makes it important to focus on getting a good night’s rest each and every day. We’ve put together a list of the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep.

Sleep Keeps You Healthy

Heart attacks and strokes are more likely in persons during the early morning hours, which according to studies may be due to the way sleep interacts with blood vessels. Having less sleep has been associated with less blood pressure and more cholesterol, which are risk factors for heart disease and strokes.

Sleep Reduces Your Chances of Being Stressed

When you’ve gotten a good night’s sleep, you’re less likely to be stressed. When your body is deficient of the sleep it needs, you’re more likely to be stressed as your body’s functions are put on high alert causing high blood pressure. Having hight blood pressure increases your risk of a heart attack and a stroke.

Sleep Makes You More Alert

Whether you’re using a sleep mask or other sleep aids to help you get better sleep, you’re more likely to feel energized and alert throughout the next day if you get the sleep you need. Feeling active and being engaged not only feels great, but it increases your chances for another good night’s sleep. If you are active throughout the day, it’s more likely to make you more tired when you go to sleep, ensuring you will feel energized the next day too. When you wake up feeling refreshed, use that energy to get out into the day, do active things outside, and stay engaged with your world. You’ll sleep better the next night and increase your daily energy level.

Sleep Helps Your Body Repair Itself

Sleep is your time to relax and unwind from the stresses of every day life. It is also the time the body is hard at work repairing damage caused by stress, and other harmful exposure such as ultraviolet rays. So, when you get good sleep, your cells can produce more protein. The protein molecules form the building blocks of cells, allowing them to repair any damage.

Sleep Can Help With Depression

Sleep without a doubt impacts the chemicals in your body, including serotonin. Those with deficiencies in serotonin are more likely to suffer from depression. You can help prevent depression and negative thoughts by making sure you get between 7-9 hours of sleep each night. If you’re having trouble getting sleep, there are many remedies, including blocking out light completely with a Sleep Mask.

Better Sleep = Better Memory

When you’re tired, it takes more energy to concentrate and keep your mind focused. Researchers don’t fully understand or know why we sleep and dream, but they do know that sleep plays a huge role in the process of memory consolidation. During sleep, your body may be resting, but your brain is busy processing the day you just had, making connections and links between events, sensory inputs, and memories. Deep sleep is an extremely important time for your brain to make memories and links. So, when you get more quality sleep, you will will help you remember and process things better.

Sleeping Will Keep You Healthier and May Help You Lose Weight

According to research, those who sleep fewer than 7 hours per night are more likely to be overweight or obese. It is believed by researchers that a lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones in the body that affect appetite. Hormones, including ghrelin and leptin, which regulate appetite, have been found to be disrupted by lack of sleep. So, if you are looking to maintain your weight, or lose a few pounds, getting great sleep on a regular basis is very important.